Some Tips For SEO
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is always interesting to be discussed. On this occasion, I will try to give some tips about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Just for sharing and discussion.
- Select the domain name easy to remember, a good domain name is short and easy to read and remember.
- Search engines have a regulation for Indexed and PR,if you want to SEO Optimize for you website, must adapt it, let search engines indexed easy and quick!
- Select keyword(s) or statement of keyword and rational distribute in your article,if you found keyword density decline,you must add it, but note, don’t for keyword then added,must be related your article.
- Link to other website.
- Hire expertinafield.
- Update your content daily, if you can not update every day, you update at least 3-5days.
- Marketing your website,because we do seo optmize, don’t need adwords, but need more people know you,you can send e-mail to your friend and add link in your mail,new thread in froum add your link in your sign,and go to some bookmarks, e.g.,
cool blog,what about mine?
Nice info friend and keep posting...:-)
gue coba deh, thank infonya
siip deh...
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